Drive to - Altenbergerstraße 74, 4040 Linz

How do I get to the dormitory?

Linzer traffic routes – the tram –  Line 1 und 2 (Last stop Universität).
The last 450 meters are on foot.
Timetable information of the lines can be found here at Linz AG.

Main Train Station.
You can get information about the timetables on the ÖBB website.
The Linz main station has a direct connection to the Linz AG trams.

Bus stop Linz / Donau JKU | University with the following lines:

250, 305, 311, 312E, 313, 313E, 340, 341, 342, 345, 360, 399

Linz, Vienna, Salzburg and Munich airports.

From Salzburg:

A1/E55 Direction of Linz – A7 – Exit 15 – Linz-Dornach on B125 in direction of Linz-Dornach – Routes planning


From Vienna:

A1/E55 Direction of Linz – A7 –  Exit 15 – Linz-Dornach on B125 in direction Linz-Dornach – Routes planning


From Graz:

A9/E57 Direction of Linz – A7 – Exit 15 – Linz-Dornach on B125 in direction of Linz-Dornach – Routes planning


From Munich:

A94 Direction of Passau/B12 – A8 direction of Linz – A7 – Exit 15 – Linz-Dornach on B125 in direction of Linz-Dornach – Routes planning

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